Germany offers a wide range of health services for scholarship holders in Germany, especially for international students. These services include medical care, counselling and psychological support. In this article, we would like to present the most important contact points and services for medical care for international students in Germany.
Medical care
General practitioners and specialists:
GPs act as the first point of contact for general health problems. They can also issue referrals to specialists if specialised treatment is required. As a student, it is advisable to find a family doctor in your neighbourhood early on so that you can get help quickly if necessary.
Health insurance:
As a rule, international students must take out statutory health insurance (GKV), which ensures comprehensive basic care. Alternatively, you can also opt for private health insurance (PKV), which offers you additional benefits.
With the ISHCP TARIF, for example, the IHC Company guarantees very good health insurance cover for international scholarship holders, as well as foreign students, visiting academics, doctoral students, prize winners and language students who stay in Germany for up to four years and have a permanent residence outside Germany. Important: Psychological and psychiatric treatments are excluded.
The ISHCP-STT TARIFF is suitable for all international academics who are in Germany for a short time and need short-term health insurance. The following also applies here: Psychological and psychiatric treatments are excluded.
In cooperation with AXA Krankenversicherung AG, the FLEXMED GLOBAL IMPAT TARIFF offers first-class health insurance cover and is the customised tariff for foreign scholarship holders of the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and THE NEW INSTITUTE gGmbH as well as other scholarship providers based in Germany.
Emergency care:
In emergencies, the emergency room in the hospital can be contacted by dialling the European emergency number 112. These services are also available to students from abroad.
Counselling services for students
Student Services:
The Studierendenwerk offers a wide range of services specifically tailored to international students. These include social counselling, psychological counselling and support with administrative issues.
Psychological support
Psychotherapists and psychologists:
International students can also take advantage of psychological support from psychotherapists. They offer treatment in various languages, which makes access easier for international students.
Psychosocial counselling centres:
Many universities have psychosocial counselling services that offer confidential and free support for psychological distress. These services are particularly useful for medical counselling for international students who are in a new cultural environment.
Hotlines and online services:
Various hotlines are available for immediate support in crisis situations. The telephone counselling service offers anonymous support around the clock.
Career Services offer support with career planning and help with workshops, application training and individual counselling.
Academic counselling supports students with questions about study organisation, course selection and academic challenges.
Overall, the well-structured and diverse health services in Germany provide international scholars with a safe and supportive environment so that you can focus on your academic and personal goals. We wish you every success in your future endeavours.