FlexMed Global Impat Tariff
Especially designed for foreign scholarship holders of the Max-Planck Society, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the THE NEW INSTITUTE gGmbH, or other scholarship providers based in Germany, we offer first-class health insurance cover in cooperation with AXA Krankenversicherung AG.
Premium benefits and excellent services.
If you stay in Germany within the scope of a scholarship granted by the Max-Planck Society, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the THE NEW INSTITUTE gGmbH or another scholarship provider based in Germany, you can choose to take out AXA’s FlexMed Global Impat private health insurance cover for yourself and for your accompanying dependants. AXA Krankenversicherung is among the largest health insurance providers in Germany and its innovative products, which occupy the top spots, really make it stand out.
The insurance cover offered here fulfils the German requirement to take out compulsory insurance as defined by Section 193, para. 3 VVG – the German Insurance Contract Act. In addition, the tariff can be sponsored by your employer according to Section 257, para. (2a) of Book 5 of the German Social Security Code.
FlexMed Global Impat covers you against medical costs due to illnesses or accidents during the time you spend in Germany, for a period of up to 5 years. In addition to the excellent benefits provided for inpatient, outpatient and dental treatment, it goes without saying that the costs of repatriation, deemed necessary and reasonable from a medical point of view, are also covered.
The current benefits are listed in the FlexMed Global Impat-U2 (AVB-E Part II) tariff sheet and in the General Terms and Conditions (AVB-E Part I), which we will be happy to provide you with if you are interested.
Furthermore, you can also access a multitude of special services provided by the FlexMed Global Impat tariff. For example, a multilingual hotline is available to answer calls around-the-clock, seven days a week. You and your family can rest assured of receiving the best care in the event of illness. The AXA Service Team is happy to provide assistance with any health questions you may have. A helpful online tool is also available to assist with the reimbursement of costs and it provides you with a detailed summary of the scope of your insurance cover.
4 Steps for your insurance
1. Please fill in and submit the following request for offer.
2. The IHC-Company S.A. will send you the General Terms and Conditions Part I+II, the information regarding the right of withdrawal, the information sheet on insurance products, the premium table, the Policy Information, a supplementary agreement and a SEPA direct debit mandate.
3. Please fill in, sign and return the supplementary agreement immediately (via Fax or E-Mail). Send us the SEPA direct debit mandate as soon as you have a German bank account.
Fax: +49 (0) 4282 958 9009 Email: contract@ihc-company.eu
4. You will receive a Welcome-Mail from AXA Krankenversicherung AG containing your insurance policy number and your login to the secure interactive Online-Tool “Customer Online” where you can access your data (e.g. details of your insurance, downloads of your insurance documents, submit bills, etc.)
Furthermore you will receive a confirmation, as specified in § 257 SGB V, via E-Mail and an insurance card send by post.